Restaurant.Com Save 70% NOW Until 8/24


Hey Everyone.

Do you like dining out, but don’t like the high bill you get at the end of your meal?  Well is a great way to take the sting out of your dining out bill, and right now it’s going to take the sting out even more.

Normally at you can buy a $25.00 certificate from one of thousands of restaurants for only $10.00 .  Right NOW through August 24, 2009 you can save 70% off your entire coupon purchase.  This means a $25.00 certificate that normally costs $10.00 will now only cost $3.00 and you can buy an unlimited number of certificates.

There are all kinds of restaurants listed and this is a nationwide site, so there are restaurants listed from all over the USA.

Click HERE to visit the site and start shopping for your favorite restaurant.  When you check out put in promo code PALATE.  This code will deduct 70% off your ENTIRE total. So, stock up NOW on certificates from your favorite restaurants or better yet, try a new place.

Don’t forget to have fun shopping, but remember SHOP SMART!

The Discount Queen

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